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Creative Thinking

Innovative-creative thinking for solutions and developments
to return to thinking and expressing oneself freely

"Creative thinking: using imagination to find original solutions to challenges."

We use our creative thinking hundreds to thousands of times a day, in every challenging decision. Although somewhere in the middle of the way we learned to filter our ideas so as not to fail and we stopped enjoying the experience. As a facilitator, entrepreneur and creator for over a decade, I collected and developed tools and established knowledge to find new ways of thinking and multiple solutions, to express ourselves, enjoy and increase productivity.

What is creative thinking?

Is it possible to develop it and when do I use it?

We will get answers to these questions and more and tools for daily personal development:

1. Innovative and creative thinking: start with multiple solutions for each challenge and focus from there.

2. When am I innovative? There are times of the day when thinking flows and you should use them.

3. Enjoy and increase efficiency: did you know that pursuing hobbies can increase productivity by up to 30%?

DON'T WORRY, BE CRAPPY .4: Learn to fail and move on to succeed.

5. What is the one habit you would change? Turn knowledge into tools for daily use.

to challenge our thinking in a lighthearted way.

Suitable for teams and groups who want to think outside the box, break the ice, leave with motivation and useful tools for personal and group growth.

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