
Yaara Lokits & Hofshi
For over 14 years, meditation and non-judgmental awareness (mindfulness) have been part of my life. The practice made me a calm person, increased my ability to face challenges, accept myself, accept reality and act to change what I can.
Every morning when I get up, we start with three hours of "morning ritual". Meditation, writing, reading or training, writing tasks for the day and entering them into the schedule. This time optimizes and relaxes me, and also contributes to my ability to deal with life's challenges with focus.
With years of experience as an employee in technology companies and in managerial positions in public institutions, she has a degree in theater and a multidisciplinary artist, and as a certified mindfulness facilitator practicing the Buddhist way; I access knowledge groups and tools that improve the quality of personal and professional life.
I founded Hofshi to provide tools for people and organizations to improve the quality of life and productivity, so that we will be able to be efficient and effective at the same time and be happy - which is completely possible!
Hofshi Content House specializes in combining analytical and creative thinking, between spirit and grounded knowledge with humor and practicality with over 460 hours of experience in leading groups in Israel and around the world.
Even ten minutes a day is enough to have a positive effect on your day, and benefit yourself and your environment in the long run. Take a few moments for yourself, write, walk in nature, exercise, meditate.
What did you do today to feel good about yourself?
